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Database Connectivity for SFU 3.5 from Easysoft

With Easysoft's ODBC-ODBC Bridge you can access any database which has a Windows ODBC driver. One license of Easysoft’s ODBC-ODBC Bridge, which incorporates the unixODBC Driver Manager, gives SFU/Interix users a universal ODBC solution.

As an example, say the SFU / Interix application needs access to a remote Oracle database on a UNIX or Linux box. Oracle does not provide OCI support for Interix. However, there are Oracle drivers available for Windows so any Windows machine can act as the client and the gateway. Easysoft’s ODBC-ODBC Bridge Server is installed on the gateway and the ODBC-ODBC Client on the end user’s machine. In fact, the client and the gateway can be the same physical server. When you need to access another database (say MS SQL Server, MS Access, Excel) you simply configure the appropriate datasource on the gateway. No action is required on the UNIX system.







ODBC-ODBC Bridge Pricing:



# Database


Client unlimited Free
Server 5 $930
Server 25 $2,780
Server unlimited $3,700

To discuss your SFU 3.5 database connectivity requirements, please contact: .